Art of Persistence

"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence." -Albert Ellis

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lessons from Great and Holy Saturday Vespers and Liturgy of St. Basil

I've been bathed in Holy Scripture and the hymns of the Church for the last week (6 hours of services in the last two days alone). I've prostrated before the burial shroud and kissed the nail-scarred feet. How could I sing the following hymn and not be overcome with awe and thankfulness.

Let all mortal flesh keep silent
and in fear and trembling stand,

pondering nothing earthly-minded.

For the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
comes to be slain,
to give himself as food to the faithful.
Before him go the ranks of angels:

all the principalities and powers,

the many-eyed cherubim
and the six-winged seraphim,
covering their faces,
singing the hymn:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

May I remember throughout the year the price that Love paid; that the Eucharist is more than bread and wine, but the bruised and broken body and the spilled blood of the King of Glory.



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